Dragan's Family

The family:
Dragan - Aandrea - Calvyn - Bertyqwert - Eltank - Fafnahr - Joyskalde - Katyna - Lutz - Nikodema - Petersilius

The ones we don't talk about:
Gastritis - Harumph - Iphigenie - Mojoechse

The Deceased
Franziska - Goldfaust - Katyna

Dragan MacLear - Half-Elf Ranger (Tunare)

Dragan's Diary
A diary following Dragan's life until his 11th season.
Heritage: Son of a wood-elven druidess of Kelethin and a human ranger from Surefall Glades.
Short: Pragmatic wanderer of the world.
Long: Dragan is a seeker. He wanders the world, exploring and charting the unknown, helping travellers pass hazardeous areas without harm. A trader by heart who would never turn down the opportunity to make a reasonable profit by buying and selling. The years on the road gave him a realistic look on the world (including the need for sarcasm and irony to survive its madness). In his older days he started getting snappy, yet he still helps people in need. As a social type he oscillates around the 'silent strong' and 'have a joke' settings.
Quote: "You expect to be able to SHARPEN a BLUNT weapon? Let me help you..."

Aandrea [Lalaith] Dragansdottir - Wood-Elf Druidess (Tunare)
Lalaith = Laughter, -dottir = Daughter of-

Heritage: Daughter of a wood-elven druidess from Kelethin.
Short: A pathetic treehugger.
Long: Followed her mothers ways into the druidic wisdom. To my great dismay she has a weakness for Cutee Speak™. Probably a simple minded person that means no harm. She even pities the tree that died to make her staff (how pathetic can you be?). Strangely enough she is not that much bothered about the wildlife though. Sometimes she blows her top about other peoples stupidity but is unable to hold real grudges for longer then half a norrathian day.
Quote: "Thankee. *giggle*"

Calvyn [Slaneyder] Dragansson - High-Elf Cleric (Tunare)
Slaneyder = Healer, -son = Son of-

Heritage: Son of a high-elven enchantress from Felwithe.
Short: A walking, talking band aid kit.
Long: He is a devoted follower of the cleric ways, helping people left and right. A strong faith helps him to follow this way even if people seem to be abusing him as a portable band aid kit. Constantly tries to get his younger (by 5 minutes) twinbrother Bertyqwert to restore his faith in the gods. A do-good type of guy that rarely blows his top. Silent and aiming for effectivity in everything he does. Has sort of a dry humour.
Quote: "Do not thank me. All in a day's work. Cleric on duty. Want a side of fries with that heal?"

Bertyqwert [Spailpeil] Calvynslethaon - High-Elf Magician (Agnostic)
Spailpeil = self-confident/vainglorious/conceited, -lethaon = Twin of-

Heritage: Calvyn Dragansson's twinbrother.
Short: A snotty high-elven fingerwaggler.
Long: He thinks he is as smart (at least) as you, likes to make smart-ass comments. Interestingly he looks down on other fingerwagglers. He feels a strong affinity to fighter types, but his genetic makeup just didn't cut it. He still likes to think of himself as a 'real guy', someone who can dish out and take it instead of falling prey to the do-the-headless-chicken CPS routine (Caster Panic Syndrome) most casters fall in after getting hit for 5 dmg. To demonstrate this attitude he does not wear a robe. He likes to talk to his pets and can be a helpful person if he thinks he is administrating help (as 'from high above'). What he does he does because HE wants to do it, not because someone else asked or wanted him to do it. Probably not as social as he could be, but then again, he is a high-elf.
Quote: "You won't find me dead in a gnolls cave wearing that bathrobe!"

Eltank [Agarwaen] Dolteyfirryn - Halfling Warrior (Agnostic)
Agarwaen = Blood-Stained, Doltey-Firryn = adopted son

Heritage: Adopted halfling from Rivervale.
Short: Nice anklebiter.
Long: Goodhearted warrior of pure soul. Nearly died out in the woods at a tender age after his parents were murdered by a rampaging goblin tribe. Still holds a few grudges about that. Got adopted by Dragan in Rivervale, after Dragan saw him trying to kill Nillipuss at the age of 5 because that short dude stole his candy. Instead of becoming a druid or cleric like his parents assumingly were he picked up the trade of the sword to avenge his family. Falls for tall women.
Quote: "Be nice to your knees, you never know when they might get capped."

Fafnahr - Vah Shir Beastlord (Agnostic)

Heritage: Beastlord from Shar Vahl.
Short: Soon to come.
Long: Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come.
Quote: Soon to come.

Joyskalde [Laurelin] Beldragan - Woodelf Bard (xxx)
Skalde = nordic bard, Laurelin = Song of Gold, Bel- = Son of

Heritage: Younger brother of Aandrea.
Short: Sparkling fashion victim.
Long: He sings and dances and wields a mean blade as well. Dragan is not his father, but after his mothers death Dragan accepted him into his family together with Aandrea and Katyna. He also has no clue who his real father is, but assumes it was a travelling bard. Flatters himself to be witty, handsome and charming, a picture usually not shared by most of his companions. Can be seen leaving trails of sparkling colors all over Norrath (usually running from some monster).
Quote: "There is nothing like a new song to brighten ones day."

Katyna [xxx] Elfenblut - Barbarian Rogue (Agnostic)
Elfenblut = Elvenblood

The Battle of the Three Igloos
A tale in which Katyna's origin is explained as well as some historical information on the everfrost peaks and it's inhabitants.
Heritage: Younger sister of Franziska
Short: Backstabbing bitch.
Long: Since her mother never told her of Dragan, she grew up without a father relationship. When her mother died in the depths of the Permafrost dungeon the rogue guild in Halas became her new home, where she practised the roguish ways. Her relationship with Dragan is a bit tense. Although he was not to blame for never having contacted her, she still has cultivated some sort of a grudge against him for not having been there for her, and her mother.
Quote: That's mine!

Lutz - Dwarven Paladin (xxx)

Heritage: XXX Short: Soon to come.
Long: Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come.
Quote: Soon to come.

Nikodema - Gnome Wizard (Agnostic)

Heritage: XXX Short: Soon to come.
Long: Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come.
Quote: Soon to come.

Petersilius Zwackelmann - Erudite Enchanter (Agnostic)

Heritage: XXX Short: Soon to come.
Long: Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come. Soon to come.
Quote: Soon to come.





  • Franziska Elfenblut - Barbarian Shaman (The Tribunal)
    Elfenblut = Elvenblood
    Picture - Inventory
  • Daughter of a barbarian warrioress from Halas.
  • Short: Supportive person.
  • Long: Since her mother never told her of Dragan, she grew up without a father relationship. When her mother died in the depths of the Permafrost dungeon the shaman guild in Halas became her new home, where she practised the shaman ways. Her relationship with Dragan is a bit tense. Although he was not to blame for never having contacted her, and though she is a kind-spirited woman, she still has some sort of a grudge against him for not having been there for her, and her mother. She enjoys company and is very helpful. Died at the age of 15
  • Quote: "No sweat. Buffs are my life!"

  • Goldfaust - Human Monk (Agnostic) - DECEASED
    -faust = fist
    Picture - Inventory
  • Son of a human monkette from Qeynos.
  • Short: Effective fighter of few words.
  • Long: Following his mothers ways in the Ashen Order of Qeynos, he developed a natural feeling of balance for the world. His outlook on life is a very pragmatic one: Do not disturb the balance of the world more then necessary; if you need to fight - do it quick. His speech is sparse and of few words (he usually knows more then he says, but only releases the needed amount of information). Some people see him as rude, but that is because he does not waste his breath with all those euphemisms the rest of the world is cluttering their speech with. Died at the age of 8.
  • Quote: "One down. No looting during the fight."

  • Katyna Aanlannonagh - Woodelf Rogue (Agnostic) - DECEASED
    -lannonagh = Twin of-
    Picture - Inventory
  • Twin-sister of Aandrea
  • Short: Backstabbing bitch.
  • Long: The younger twin of Aandrea and a general pain in the backside (figuratively speaking). She and Aandrea don't go too well together as their are constantly at each others throat about something that usually isn't even worth mentioning. She has her nice moments, but usually noone is around to notice them. Fell in with the wrong crowd in her youth (partly probably to tick off her do-good sister) and joined the rogues of Kelethin. Inside the rogue community she made a name for rather pursuing the more rogue-ish ways of the trade instead of being a 'scout'. Died at the age of 8.
  • Quote: "I didn't do that!"